


For additional information, please contact the 司法常务官办公室. 新学生 应该联系招生办公室吗. 学生对学费或学费有疑问 学费应与学生会计办公室联系. 


▼   学术顾问

建议程序因大学和专业而异. 和你所在的部门核实一下 您的建议要求. 每个学期都有官方建议的截止日期, students should discuss course selections with advisors prior to that published deadline 并且应该清除hold /block.


▼   检查资格/状态


  • 必须在学术上符合要求(不能被停学或开除);
  • Must have an eligible student status (admitted, readmitted or continuing),
  • 不能有任何阻碍注册的阻碍,还有
  • Must have a time ticket specifying when to register for the upcoming semester. 这 有关资料可在爪子查阅.


  • 登录您的爪子帐户
  • 点击学生服务和经济援助.
  • 点击注册.
  • 单击“检查注册状态”.
  • Select the appropriate term (semester), and click the Submit button.
  • 你的时间票. Look for the message "You may register during the following times." If you have not been assigned a time ticket, you will see the message: "As of this 时,您的登记时间票尚未分配.“学生没有时间 ticket应联系注册办公室寻求帮助.

    注意: You will notice that your time ticket does not tell you what part of 登记 你的时间框架是. 查看您的时间框架是否指向继续/重新接受 Student or New Student 登记, or Late 登记, Drop/Add, or the Drop Period, 将它们与大学日历上列出的日期进行比较.

  • 您的持有状态. You will either see a check mark with the message: "You have no Holds which prevent registration," or you will see a caution symbol with the message: “你有阻碍你注册的障碍.“如果你有hold,点击‘View’ Holds' link at the bottom of the page to see the holds on your file. 你必须清除 在你可以注册之前.
  • 你的学术地位. You will either see a check mark with the message: "Your Academic Standing permits registration," or you will see a caution symbol with the message: “你的学术地位不允许注册.如果有问题,请联系注册办公室 你对你的学术地位有疑问.
  • 你的学生身份. You will either see a check mark with the message: "Your Student Status permits registration," or you will see a caution symbol with the message: "Your 学生身份阻止注册.“请联系注册办公室寻求帮助 如果你的学生身份不允许注册.
  • If these four items permit registration and if you have met 您的建议要求, 你有资格注册.
▼   课程表计划


班时间 完整的词 短期内
  星期一至星期五 星期一至星期五
期1 8:00 - 8:55 8:00 - 9:55
第二阶段 9:10 - 10:05 10:20 - 12:15
期3 10:20 - 11:15 12:40 - 2:35
期4 11:30 - 12:25 3:00 - 4:55
期5 12:40 - 1:35  
期6 1:50 - 2:45  
期7 3:00 - 3:55  
期8 4:10 - 5:05  


班时间 周一 周二 周三 周四 星期五
期1 7:00 8:00 7:00 8:00 7:00
第二阶段 8:00   8:00   8:00
期3 9:05 9:30 9:05 9:30 9:05
期4 10:10   10:10   10:10
期5 11:15 11:00 11:15 11:00 11:15
期6 12:20 12:30 12:20 12:30 12:20
期7 1:25 2:00 1:25 2:00 1:25
期8 2:30   2:30   2:30
期9 3:35 3:30 3:35 3:30 3:35
期10 4:40   4:40   4:40
▼   检查持有情况

Holds are placed on student accounts and are cleared by various University offices. Some holds will prevent registration and must be cleared by the sponsoring office or department before the student will be permitted to register. 正在改变的学生 their major should request their new major department to remove any advising block 由他们的前任部门支付.

Holds that prevent registration will also prevent dropping courses. 的学生 registration holds will need to come to the 注册商's Office for assistance with 弃课.

Click here to view a list of possible holds and whom to contact for assistance.

▼   时间的票

Each semester, you will be assigned a personal time ticket that specifies when you 可以进入爪子注册即将到来的学期吗. 你必须有一张定时票 注册或退课. 请参阅重要事项的时间票部分 Dates page to find out when time tickets will be posted to students' 爪子 accounts. If you do not receive a time ticket, contact 登记, (251) 460-6251. 在 在Drop Period中,你不能添加类,只能Drop类. 注意: 有些学生不会自动获得计时票.

毕业候选人: If you applied for graduation, you will not receive a time ticket for the semester 在你期待的毕业之后. 如果你是一名即将毕业的候选人并且需要 to register for classes for the semester 在你期待的毕业之后, contact a graduation specialist in the 司法常务官办公室 for assistance.

短暂的学生: If you are attending USA as a transient student, you will not receive a time ticket for the next semester unless you are accepted for readmission for that semester. 这 requires that you submit an application for readmission to the Office of 招生. 有关详细信息,请参见重新入学.

不活跃的学生: If you were suspended or dismissed from the University, or if you have not attended for three or more consecutive semesters, you will not receive a time ticket for the next semester unless you are accepted for readmission for that semester. 这需要 that you submit an application for readmission to the Office of 招生. 看到重新接纳 欲知详情.

尚未正式录取的新生: If you are a new student, you will not be assigned a time ticket until after you have been formally admitted to the University by the Office of 招生. 请 联系招生办公室了解更多信息.


  • 登录爪子的安全区域.
  • 选择“学生服务” & 金融援助."
  • 选择“注册."
  • 选择“检查您的注册状态”."
  • Select the semester you want to view then click the "Submit" button.
  • Look for the words "You may register during the following times.“你的时间票 会被列在这些词的下面吗.

Each line is a separate time frame with specific beginning and ending dates and times. 注册交易(增加、减少等.)必须在结束时间前完成 为每个时间框架,否则事务将丢失.